Sahir Vellani
Our planet as I see it. Here you will find images of human life, wildlife, and landscapes. I try to document the images as best as I can, and share what they mean to me. You will also find a map that shows where each image has been taken. Hopefully it is completely red at some point in my life.
My astrophotography portfolio. I've been amazed by the cosmos my entire life, and I'm very lucky to have the priviledge of exploring them. The sky is home to many jewels, and it would be selfish of me not to share them with you. All photos have been taken and processed by myself.
My musings. Blog posts that cover a range of topics from web development and programming to astrophotography. I do this with the intention that the learnings over the course of my professional and recreational journies so far can help others achieve their goals.
Documenting adventures in motion picture.


Welcome to my abode on the web. This website serves multiple purposes. First, it is the platform that I have chosen to share images that I've taken of the heavens and earth. This is for me as much as it is for you. I've always wanted to explore not just the world around me, but the universe as well. Maintaining this website allows me to record my journey, as I explore the universe. Another purpose of the site is to offer insights as I navigate through my professional journey. I am a software engineer at Microsoft, working on the Edge browser. As a developer on the web platform team, I've been able to learn quite a bit about how browsers (especially chromium based ones) operate. Therefore, I will use this space to also share ideas and tools that I have found interesting and useful as a developer of the browser and developer for the browser.